Our Web Site Awards

Our First Site Award
From Chuck "Doc" Stewart
October 20, 1997

It is with the greatest of pride and gratitude that the
"Cadet Honor AWARD"
is bestowed on the website,
this 20th day of October 1997.
Scott A. Tackett Sr.

Award by Ron Fleischer of the Windsor, Colorado Police Department - 10/24/97

Bruce A. Hart
LTC, USA (ret.)

Award from Intrepid - 11/10/97

Award from Angel's Home - 11/12/97

To all whom these presents shall come
Know ye, that I, confiding in the outstanding
Silent Warriors Web Site
do as of this date, the fourteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord
one thousand nineteen hundred and ninety seven
and of the great Independence of the
"United States of America"
the two hundred and twenty first year
bestow upon the above named "Patriot" with
great pride for the exceptional display of
"Outstanding Patriotism"
this Award
Presented by:
Al Varelas - USMC
Vietnam Veteran
Know ye all who preview this presentation,
that this Award is conferred upon True Patriots only
Be it also known that this Award is given at the discretion
of it's originator, or by recommendation of a recipient,
and cannot be applied for...

Award received 11/25/97

Award received 12/15/97
Award received May 11, 1998.
This award is given those Military oriented sites designed in good taste
and using good site layout. Sites that are easy to navigate and easily
readable. Sites with a theme of their own, not merely a list of links to
other sites.
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