On August 30, 2001the Silent Warriors and the Prop Wash Gang met to rededicate the National Vigilance Park near the NSA Headquarters at Ft. George Meade, Maryland. It is planned that this will be an annual event. For some, they had been here when the park was originally dedicated on September 2, 1997. For others this was their first time. The group was smaller and there were less dignitaries but still it was a very moving event for those of us who were there for the first time.
Colonel Michael R. Rogers, Commander of the 694th Intelligence Group, was the host of this event. He was very gracious to all of us. He looks like a good commander. John E. Simpson, Jr., whose father was co-pilot on the original 60528 addressed the group and made a good speech which included how his son was inspired by what he saw at the original dedication and is now a linguist in the US Air Force. Also addressing the group was our own Silent Warrior, creator of the Prop Wash Gang, and author of The Price of Vigilance, Larry Tart.
As webmaster of the Silent Warrior web site I can only say that it was an honor for me and my son to have been in the company and presence of such a great group of former reconnaissance flyers. I thank you all for making this visit a very memorable one. Thanks to Colonel Rogers for his gracious hospitality.