Don Fisher - former USAFSS Russian linguist who flew recon missions at Yokota, Eielson, Rhein-Main and Offutt in the late '50's and '60's. Assignments include - 1954 - Basic Russian Language (Monterey); 1955-1957 - Shiroi AFB; 1958 - Jul 1959 - Shiroi AFB/Misawa AFB; 1959 - Mar 1963 - Yokota AFB (RB-50s/RC-130s); 1963 - 1964 - Intermediate Russian Language (Syracuse Univ); 1964 - 1965 Eielson AFB (RC-135s); 1965 - 1968 - Rhein-Main AFB; 1968 - 1972 Offutt AFB; 1974 - Eielson AFB; 1975 - Offutt AFB, retired 31 Dec 1975 with 6,800 flying hours; 1975 - 1979 Employed by GTE Sylvania; 1979 - 1998 Employed by Lockheed Martin. Retired 31 December 1998. At the time of his illness, Don was involved in tutoring (ESL) and volunteering with Habitat for Humanity. Don passed away on 24 October 2007...he was living in San Jose, California.
Added by Darr King: "Don was one of the "initial pioneers" of ACRP...one many of us rookies looked up to and held in the highest esteem."
Don was quiet, unassuming, and genuinely one of the nicest guys I ever met. I was fortunate to have spent a few hours with Don at one of the early reunions held in Castroville. In my eyes, he had not changed one iota. He was still the perfect gentleman! Rest in peace, mi amigo.